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Bioaerosol Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Detection of Individual Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra Particles




Single-particle laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, in the form of bioaerosol mass spectrometry (BAMS), was evaluated as a rapid detector for individual airborne, micron-sized, Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra particles, comprised of a single cell or a small number of clumped cells. The BAMS mass spectral signatures for aerosolized M. tuberculosis H37Ra particles were found to be distinct from M. smegmatis, Bacillus atrophaeus, and B. cereus particles, using a distinct biomarker. This is the first time a potentially unique biomarker was measured in M. tuberculosis H37Ra on a single-cell level. In addition, M. tuberculosis H37Ra and M. smegmatis were aerosolized into a bioaerosol chamber and were sampled and analyzed using BAMS, an aerodynamic particle sizer, a viable Anderson six-stage sampler, and filter cassette samplers that permitted direct counts of cells. In a background-free environment, BAMS was able to sample and detect M. tuberculosis H37Ra at airborne concentrations of >1 M. tuberculosis H37Ra-containing particles/liter of air in 20 min as determined by direct counts of filter cassette-sampled particles, and concentrations of >40 M. tuberculosis H37Ra CFU/liter of air in 1 min as determined by using viable Andersen six-stage samplers. This is a first step toward the development of a rapid, stand-alone airborne M. tuberculosis particle detector for the direct detection of M. tuberculosis bioaerosols generated by an infectious patient. Additional instrumental development is currently under way to make BAMS useful in realistic environmental and respiratory particle backgrounds expected in tuberculosis diagnostic scenarios.
机译:以生物气溶胶质谱法(BAMS)的形式进行的单粒子激光解吸/电离飞行时间质谱法被评估为一种快速检测器,用于检测由单个细胞组成的单个空气传播的微米级结核分枝杆菌H37Ra粒子或少数成簇的细胞。使用独特的生物标记物,发现雾化的结核分枝杆菌H37Ra颗粒的BAMS质谱特征与耻垢分枝杆菌,萎缩芽孢杆菌和蜡状芽孢杆菌颗粒不同。这是首次在单细胞水平上检测到结核分枝杆菌H37Ra中潜在的独特生物标志物。此外,将结核分枝杆菌H37Ra和耻垢分枝杆菌气雾化成生物气雾室,并使用BAMS,空气动力学粒度仪,可行的安德森六级采样器和允许直接计数细胞的滤盒采样器进行采样和分析。在无背景的环境中,BAMS能够在20分钟内采样和检测空气传播的浓度> 1 M的结核分枝杆菌H37Ra颗粒/升空气,方法是直接对滤盒取样的颗粒进行计数,使用可行的Andersen六级采样器在1分钟内测定的结核分枝杆菌H37Ra CFU /升浓度> 40M。这是开发快速,独立的机载结核分枝杆菌颗粒检测器的第一步,该检测器可直接检测由感染患者产生的结核分枝杆菌生物气溶胶。当前正在进行其他仪器开发,以使BAMS在结核病诊断场景中预期的实际环境和呼吸颗粒背景中有用。



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